Monday, 4 May 2020

Burn Right with Dry Crackling Firewood

There is nothing like a bright burning fireplace to warm the cockles of your heart and make winter the cosy inviting season people love to enjoy.

To get your home flames burning bright your wood should be dry, and preferably well-seasoned. It takes about 12 months for 300mm hardwood log cuts to cure and reach their best condition for burning.

If you don’t already have any firewood supply you started a year or more ago, the next best alternative is to buy your firewood from one of the best Firewood Suppliers in Sydney. There, you can find eco-friendly, dry Firewood for Sale in Sydney and even bundles of firewood to get you started.

Seasoned Hardwood for Sale

To experience effective burning, it is important to choose the right firewood. Hardwoods like Red Gum and Ironbark are recommended. These are the wood species you can most easily source through firewood suppliers offering Seasoned Hardwood for Sale. They will have low moisture content and be properly cured and dried to burn well. If you are cutting or choosing the wood yourself make sure it is not one of the poisonous species that can emit toxic smoke and fumes.

If your fireplace isn't worked appropriately, you run the risk of alienating your neighbours by immersing them with a barrage of unwanted smoke … not to mention exposing yourself. The rule of thumb is that you should start with quality, dry kindling and get it burning well, then add smaller pieces of dry wood and let them catch alight and turn to hot coals. Only once these preparations are in place is it time for the bigger wood logs to go in. Attempting to burn things too quickly from the start will result in a less efficient fire and the annoying excess of smoke you want to avoid.

Fire needs air to burn. Don’t suffocate yours if you want the fire to burn clean and bright. So, order legally sourced, sustainable dry crackling firewood and burn right with Firewood Suppliers in Sydney. Nature holds firewood in abundance, buy and get moisture free firewood for your home.